InaSAFE 2.2 is out!

We have been witnessing the rise of InaSAFE popularity. People and organizations from different countries have started using InaSAFE. For example, as we have mentioned in our previous post, the MAPA-HANDA.

Therefore, it is our task as InaSAFE developers to take the reliability of InaSAFE into the next level. The growing use of InaSAFE means that this plugins is going to be utilized in different kind of contexts. Hence, an effort to increase the flexibility of InaSAFE analysis was something that we kept in mind during the development of InaSAFE 2.2.

We expect that the three new features in this version could provide a more contextual InaSAFE analysis. Those three new features are bounding box analysis extent, categorical impact function, and customisable minimum needs.


The bounding box analysis extent enables user to explicitly specify the analysis area coverage. It does not only helps users to specify their analysis area more accurately, but also simplifies the process of defining analysis area.

The categorical impact function enables InaSAFE to identify not only the affected and non-affected area, but also the level of impact in a more detailed impact categories. If the previous version InaSAFE could only identify the affected area, now it categories the affected area based on the risk level.

We realize that minimum needs varies from one place to another, so we made the Global Minimum Needs Configuration. In this feature InaSAFE users could customise the minimum needs based on the area analysis’ context.

So let’s download the InaSAFE 2.2, and enjoy the new features.

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